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Showing posts from June, 2008

Caramel delight!

I just finished packing for my trip to Europe and I took a mini break to hang out with my Ba (grandma). I went into her room to say good night and I caught her eating a caramel by her bed so she started giggling. She is so cute and funny. I love chatting with her before she goes to sleep. We always tease her about her dentures and she has had them as long as I have been alive. When she takes them off before bed I used to make her say "mathematics" because it sounded like "mafamafics". I got a kick out of that! I actually just made her do it again for old times sake. I get so worried about her and find myself getting sad when I think about how old she is. Sometimes I come home and find her sleeping (she sleeps all the time) and I will just unknowingly stare are her breathing pattern for a good 5 minutes. I am sure it is because I fear something happening to her during her sleep. I know death and illness are both natural things but I still get anxious relating these